MyManuscripts is temporarily shutting down

Unless you have been under a rock, it would be pretty hard not to have noticed the impact of the global pandemic. Unfortunately, like a…

For authors of non-fiction

As many of you will know, MyManuscripts is currently undergoing some exciting new developments to make the platform world-class. To this end, here is a shout…

Submitting your manuscript

I am no means an expert on what it takes to get a publishing deal. It’s a complicated process with lots of moving parts, variables…

The challenge of getting published?

For you authors and aspiring authors out there, I wonder if I could ask you to give me a couple of minutes of your time…

Writers impostor syndrome

I was talking with a very clever lady marketing friend of mine the other day and she confided in me that when it came to…

Claire Hastie signs with Cranthorpe Millner!

More info to follow but Claire Hastie, one of our MyManuscripts authors, has signed a contract to publish with Cranthorpe Millner. Updates will be provided…

Cranthorpe Millner Publishers

Cranthorpe Millner Publishers

“Too many beautifully written books are rejected on a regular basis because the submitting author doesn’t have a strong enough author platform. The barriers for…

Mark Gottlieb joins

Key US based literary Agency joins MyManuscripts

Super exciting news that literary agent, Mark Gottlieb, of Trident Media Group in New York registered with MyManuscripts this month looking for a new writer…

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